Event management

Streamline Event Management with Aurelian

From book club meetings to large conferences and celebrations, Aurelian handles every detail of your events. Our integrated system offers centralized organization, management, provisioning, and accounting for any function or gathering at your property, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish.

  • features
    A wedding cake with flowers on top is on a table
    • Take multiple bookings per day per room for any duration

    • Create task lists to produce Running Sheets, room setup instructions, technical provisioning

    • Create meal plans and kitchen lists with menus and special dietary requirements

    • All lists and instructions are organized from each reservation to create the invoice and to provide one source for all task lists and instruction sheets

    • Create a group invoice for an entire event including event charges and attendee/guest charges

    • Create a group invoice for the event with unique invoicing for attendees/guests to include their own charges

    • Groups can be checked in and out as a group or individually

    • Checkin and checkout dates can be unique for any attendee/guest
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